1. Choose the Search icon, enter Items, and then choose the related link.
2. On the Items page, click on New.
3. Select the template that you want to use for the new item card and click on OK. If only one item template exists, then a new item card opens with some fields filled with information from the template.
4. Proceed to fill or change fields on the item card as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
Cross References
Cross reference serves as a sub item catalog that is unique to a particular Vendor or Customer. It is used to display the Vendors you normally purchase that item from or Customers you normally sell that items to or the items Bar codes.
If you set up a cross reference between the item description that you use for an item and the description that the vendor of that item uses, then the vendor's item description is automatically inserted on purchase documents for the vendor when you fill in the Cross-Reference No. field. The same functionality applies for customer item numbers on sales documents.
1. Choose the Search icon, enter Items, and then choose the related link.
2. Click on the Item Name to open the card.
3. Go to Related , click on item and Select Cross References.
4. On a new line on the Item Cross-Reference Entries page, fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
NOTE: Similar process can be followed to the Customer's perspective.
To enter an item cross reference on a purchase order
3. Select the Vendor you created the cross reference for and enter Vendor Invoice No.
4. In the Cross-Reference No. field, select the item cross reference that you have created, then click on OK and enter your quantity in the Quantity field.
5. Click on POST.
NOTE: Similar process can be followed on the Sales Order for the Customer’s perspective.
4. Enter your preferred Variant code.
To purchase an Item with Variant using purchase invoice
1. Click on the Search icon and enter Purchase Invoice.
2. Click on New.
3. Select the Item No.
4. Select the required Variant Code.
5. Enter the Quantity and enter the amount in the Direct Unit Cost Excl. VAT.
6. Click on POST.