Sales Invoice

You create a sales invoice or sales order to record your agreement with a customer to sell certain products on certain delivery and payment terms.

There are a couple of scenarios where you must use a sales order instead of a sales invoice:

In all other aspects, sales orders and sales invoices work in the same way.

You can negotiate with the customer by first creating a sales quote, which you can convert to a sales invoice when you agree on the sale.

To create a sales invoice

1. Choose the  search icon, enter Sales Invoices, and then choose the related link.

2. In the Customer field, enter the name of an existing customer.

3. Fill in the remaining fields on the Sales Invoice page as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.

4. On the Lines FastTab, in the Type field, select what type of product, charge, or transaction that you will post for the customer with the sales line.

5. In the No. field, select a record to post according to the value in the Type field.

You leave the No. field empty in the following cases:

6. In the Quantity field, enter how many units of the product, charge, or transaction that the line will record for the customer. The value in the Line Amount field is calculated as Unit Price x Quantity.

The price and line amounts are with or without sales tax, depending on what you selected in the Prices Including Tax field on the customer card.

7. If you want to give a discount, enter a percentage in the Line Discount % field. The value in the Line Amount field updates accordingly.

If special item prices are set up on the Sales Prices and Sales Line Discounts FastTab on the customer or item card, the price and amount on the sales line automatically update if the price criteria is met.

8. In the Invoice Discount Amount field, enter an amount that should be deducted from the value shown in the Total Incl. Tax field.

If you have set up invoice discounts for the customer, then the specified percentage value is automatically inserted in the Invoice Discount % field if the criteria are met, and the related amount is inserted in the Inv. Discount Amount Excl. Tax field.

9. When the sales invoice lines are completed, choose the Post and Send action.


Customers are the source of your income. Customer cards hold the information that is required to sell products to the customer.

To create a new customer card

  1. Choose the search icon, enter Customers, and then choose the related link.

  2. On the Customers page, choose the New action.

    If only one customer template exists, then a new customer card opens with some fields filled with information from the template.

    If more than one customer template exists, then a page opens from which you can select a customer template. In that case, follow the next two steps.

  3. On the Select a template for a new customer page, choose the template that you want to use for the new customer card.

  4. Choose the OK button. A new customer card opens with some fields filled with information from the template.

  5. Proceed to fill or change fields on the customer card as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.

On the Sales Prices FastTab, you can view special prices or discounts that you grant for the customer if certain criteria are met, such as item, minimum order quantity, or ending date. Each row represents a special price or line discount. Each column represents a criterion that must apply to warrant the special price that you enter in the Unit Price field, or the line discount that you enter in the Line Discount % field.

The customer is now registered, and the customer card is ready to be used on sales documents.

If you want to use this customer card as a template when you create new customer cards, you can save it as a template. For more information, see the following section.

Copy Document

To create Copy Document in Sales Invoice