Customers are the source of your income. Customer cards hold the information that is required to sell products to the customer.

To create a new customer card

1. Choose the search icon, enter Customers, and then choose the related link.

2. On the Customers page, click on the New action.

If only one customer template exists, then a new customer card opens with some fields filled with information from the template.

If more than one customer template exists, then a page opens from which you can select a customer template. In that case, follow the next two steps.

3. On the Select a template for a new customer page, choose the template that you want to use for the new customer card.

4. Choose the OK button. A new customer card opens with some fields filled with information from the template.

5. Proceed to fill or change fields on the customer card as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.