Job, Job Task Lines

Job, Job Task Lines


When you start a new project, you must create a job card with integrated job tasks and job planning lines, structured in two layers.

To Create A Job Card

1. Choose the search icon, enter Jobs, and then choose the related link.



2. Choose the New action, and then fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.


3. To specify the job with information on other jobs, choose the Copy Job action, fill in the fields as necessary, and then choose the OK button.

Job Tasks

A key part of creating a job is to specify the various tasks involved in the job.

You do this by adding new lines on the Tasks FastTab on the Job Card page, one task per line.

Every job must have at least one task.

To Create Tasks for Jobs


1. Choose the Search icon, enter Jobs, and then choose the related link.



2. Open the job card for a relevant job.



3. On the Tasks FastTab, fill in the fields as necessary on a new line.

4. To indent tasks and create a hierarchy, Choose the Tasks action, the then choose Indent Job Tasks action.