Continia Marketing Repository

Continia Marketing Repository





https://partnerzone.blob.core.windows.net/documents/Marketing Repository/Brochure/Rebranded_brochure_final-text-and-images-single_PRINT-READY.pdf

https://partnerzone.blob.core.windows.net/documents/Marketing Repository/Factsheets/DC/Factsheet_Document_Capture_EN.pdf

https://partnerzone.blob.core.windows.net/documents/Marketing Repository/Factsheets/EM/Factsheet_Expense_Management_EN.pdf


Regarding the knowledge on the solutions, here is a regular follow up email I send out to partners after the introduction call. Even if you have started cooperation with Continia a while ago and most likely, are familiar with most of the things, I recommend you have a look at the below as there are so many new videos we released last year alone:




    • Document Output: 

      • Inviting for a challenge: