This document is a quick reference how to work with Vendors in Business Central. Vendor cards provide information about your suppliers. Vendor card is the centre of all tasks in the purchase process.
How to find
Navigate to Vendors using the search box and choose related link
Click on the +New button
For creating new vendor is important to choose Vendor Nos. in Purchases & Payables Setup.
If there is some configuration template set up, a list of templates come into view. Choose one of them. After these steps, empty vendor page appears.
Vendor Fast Tabs
Vendor card is divided into five Fast Tabs. Now, we will go through all of them.
The name of the vendor is defined here.
You can choose two options in this field:
Payments – choose it to disallow payments to vendor.
All – choose it to forbid all operations with vendor (including creating purchase orders etc.)
Privacy Blocked
When you receive such a request from a vendor, you can mark his record as blocked due to privacy. Business Central will then discontinue the processing of that data subject’s personal data. When a record is marked as blocked, you cannot create new transactions that use that record.
Last Date Modified
This field contains date of last vendor card edit.
You can see here total opened balance with this supplier. This number is the sum of all opened remaining amounts in Vendor Ledger Entries. Amount is in local currency.
Balance Due(LCY)
You can see here total overdue amount. This number is the sum of all overdue opened remaining amounts in Vendor Ledger Entries. Amount is in local currency.
HINT: You can add date filter by activating Limit Totals To with clicking first on Balance Due (LCY), than pressing Ctrl + Shift + F3 and change the view date. Now, you can see, which amount will be overdue e.g. next week.
Document Sending Profile
You can choose Document sending profile, but first of all, profiles have to be set up.
Search Name
In default field Name is copied here, but you can change it as needed.
IC Partner Code
The field is needed to Intercompany Communication (Extended package needed.) If this vendor is your intercompany partner, you should choose here code to set up intercompany transactions sending.
Purchaser Code
Specifies which purchaser is assigned to the vendor.
Responsibility Center
Specifies the code of the responsibility center, such as a distribution hub, that is associated with the involved user, company, customer, or vendor.
Address & Contact
This Fast Tab is used to enter contact information about supplier and his primary contact.
Specify the vendor’s name.
Address 2
Specify additional line for vendor’s address.
Post Code
If you can find the required postal code in the Post Codes list, choose one. If not, you will have to create new one, see picture below.
Please, fill in all fields with asterisk. Country/Region Code will be filled in automatically if field Country/Region Code on vendor card is filled before that.
This field specifies a valid city. It’s filled automatically after choosing Postal Code from the Postal Codes list.
Country/Region Code
Choose valid Region Code. It’s filled automatically after choosing Postal Code from the Postal Codes list.
HINT: Try to fill in Country/Region code first of all address details. After that only Postal codes for required Country/Region code will be visible.
Show on Map
This inscription is an active link to online maps. You can see address you entered in online maps. For using this functionality, Online Map Setup have to be filled in proper way.
Primary Contact Code
You can choose primary contact from contact list. Primary contact could be an employee of the vendor’s company, who is key person for you.
HINT: Be informed that primary contact will automatically appear on all documents you will create. Of course you can change it later.
First of all, you should create some contacts for the vendor. You can reach Contact List in two ways, see picture below.
Field is filled automatically when you choose Primary Contact Code. Of course, you can fill it manually, too. The name of the contact is filled into this field.
Phone No.
Field is filled automatically when you choose Primary Contact Code. Of course, you can fill it manually, too.
Field is filled automatically when you choose Primary Contact Code. Of course, you can fill it manually, too.
Fax No.
Field is filled automatically when you choose Primary Contact Code. Of course, you can fill it manually, too.
Home page
Field is filled automatically when you choose Primary Contact Code. Of course, you can fill it manually, too.
Our Account No.
Specifies your account number with your vendor, if you have one.
Language Code
Specifies code of language which is used for all documents. Of course, documents have to be translated into this language. If they are not, your standard system language will be used for all reports.
VAT Registration No.
This field specifies VAT registration number for invoicing. By clicking on three dots you can check the validity of VAT registration number in VIES system.
HINT: For using VIES functionality VAT registration number validation have to be allowed in EU VAT Reg. No. Validation Service Setup.
HINT: You can set VAT formats to avoid bad formatting of the VAT numbers. This setting is included in Countries/Regions list, see below. Letters are prefix and number of hashes = required number of digits in VAT number
Global Location Number. Identifies the Vendor in connection with electronic document exchange. For example, when sending documents in the PEPPOL file format, the value in this field is used to populate the EndPointID element in the Supplier group. The number is based on the GS1 standard, which is compliant with ISO 6523
Pay-to Vendor No.
You can choose another vendor you will pay to, instead of current vendor, if it’s needed.
Invoice Disc. Code
The same code as in No. field in General FastTab is automatically copied here.
Prices Including VAT
If this checkbox is used, all purchasing documents will have prices with VAT included.
Gen. Bus. Posting Group
It specifies the trade type to link transactions made for this vendor with the appropriate G/L account according to the General Posting Setup.
Examples: EU | Domestic | Export
HINT: If field Def. VAT Bus. Posting Group in Gen. Business Posting Groups list is filled, next field VAT Bus. Posting Group will be filled automatically. Auto Insert Default checkbox have to be checked
VAT Bus. Posting Group
Specifies the VAT specification of the involved vendor to link transactions made for this record with the appropriate G/L account according to the VAT posting setup. Examples: EU (Vendors from European Union except for Maltese one) | Domestic (Maltese Vendors) | Export (Any other countries)
Vendor Posting Group
Specifies the vendor’s market type to link business transactions made for vendor with the appropriate account in the general ledger. Examples: EU | Domestic | Foreign
Currency Code
Specifies currency which is used for all purchasing documents. Of course, you can change it later. Currency code have to be chosen from list of Currencies.
Specifies a prepayment percentage that applies to all order lines for this vendor. The number should be written in following format: 50 - > means 50 % prepayment.
Application Method
You can choose how to apply payments to entries for this vendor. There are two options:
Manual – ledger entry to apply can be chosen manually.
Apply to oldest – each payment will be applied to the oldest opened ledger entry.
Payment Terms Code
Payment term code have to be chosen from the list of Payment Terms. This code determines, which formula will be used to calculate the due date of purchasing documents. Possibility of payment discount is included here, too.
HINT: Due date of document is calculated from the Document Date, not Posting Date.
Payment Method Code
Specify, how to make payment to the vendor, such as with bank transfer, by cash or check.
You can choose priority for suggesting payments to vendor. Lowest number, except 0, have the highest priority. You can enter as many priority levels as necessary. If you don’t want to prioritize vendors, you can let this field empty.
Block Payment Tolerance
You can set up a payment tolerance to close an invoice when the payment does not fully cover the amount on the invoice in Business Central. Checking this box will ensure that payment tolerance is not applied to this vendor.
Preferred Bank Account Code
Specify primary bank account, that will be used by default on payment journal lines for export to a payment bank file.
Partner Type
Specify if vendor is the company or a person.
Cash Flow Payment Terms Code
Specifies a payment term that will be used for calculating cash flow. A payment terms code represents a formula that calculates the due date, payment discount date, and payment discount amount. Cash flow payment terms are used if you have selected the Consider CF Payment Terms check box and the Consider Discount check box in the Cash Flow Forecast Card window.
Creditor No.
A Creditor no. is a unique reference for organizations collecting payments by SEPA Direct Debit.
Location Code
Default location code to receive goods from this vendor.
Shipment Method Code
Default shipment method code for this vendor.
Lead Time Calculation
Specifies a date formula for the amount of time that it takes to replenish the item. This field is used to calculate the date fields on order and order proposal lines. When the Lead Time Calculation field is filled in several windows, it is prioritized as follows:
Item vendor card
Stockkeeping unit card
Item card
Base Calendar Code
You can assign a base calendar to vendors. Delivery and receipt dates on future, purchase order are calculated according to the calendar’s specified working days.
Any base calendar defined for the vendor affects how the dates are calculated and rounded to working days. Specifies a date formula for the time that it takes to replenish the item. It is used to calculate the Planned Receipt Date field, if calculating forward, and Order Date field, if calculating backwards. Accordingly, these two date fields on purchase order lines are calculated as follows under different conditions.
Calculation Direction | Vendor Calendar Defined | Vendor Calendat Not Defined |
Forward | planned receipt date = order date + vendor lead time (per the vendor calendar and rounded to the next working day in first the vendor calendar and then the location calendar) | planned receipt date = order date + vendor lead time (per the location calendar) |
Backward | order date = planned receipt date - vendor lead time (per the vendor calendar and rounded to the previous working day in first the vendor calendar and then the location calendar) | order date = planned receipt date - vendor lead time (per the location calendar) |
Customized Calendar
Whether No is visible here, only Base Calendar is used for this Vendor. When Yes is visible here, the base calendar differs from the vendor’s one. You can click to the Customized Calendar drilldown for add customized modification to the base calendar for that particular vendor.