Bulk Upload of Sales and Purchase Invoices

Bulk Upload of Sales and Purchase Invoices


Sometimes we have available lots of sales or purchase invoices and it becomes inefficient to create these invoices one after the other. At such a time, its best to upload the invoices in bulk. Follow the steps below to do this


  1. Search for configuration packages in the search bar and choose the relevant link. On this page, create a new configuration package naming it sales invoices or purchase invoices.


  1. On the tables section of the package, add the “sales invoices header” table and the “sales invoices line” table. The Sales Invoice header provides the relevant fields to choose customer/ vendor and add the invoices details, while the Sales Invoice Line table provides the relevant fields to enter information line the invoice amount, and description.

  1. Select the first table and click on fields to show all available fields. Then click on “clear included” to remove the selection of all non-required fields. Afterwards, select the fields relevant to you. This change will be reflected in the “No. of fields to be included” section of the configuration package line. Repeat this process on the 2nd table.

  1. Then select all the tables and click on “export to excel”. You will be given a confirmation prompt that 2 tables will be exported. After confirmation, the tables will be transformed into an excel document and downloaded on your personal computer.

  1. Open the excel document and on the “sales Invoice header” sheet, input the relevant information. On the “sales invoice line” sheet input the relevant information. The two sheets will be mapped by the Invoice number.

  2. Afterwards, save the document and go back to the configuration package in business central. Select both tables again and click on import from excel. Upload the document you just saved. Then click on apply, all invoices will be uploaded in Business Central. You can verify this by going to sales invoices to view the just uploaded invoices.



Kindly Note that to attach invoices as an attachment, you need the “Attachments” extension.