Business Central: How to add Factbox to the screen

Business Central: How to add Factbox to the screen


This document is as a quick reference to adding a Factbox to the screen in Business Central. In brief a Factbox is a section on the right side of a page. It is usually divided into parts that are arranged in a vertical form. The factbox is used to display information that is linked to the main content of the page. In the illustration below, the page shows information on the selected item. Here, the Factbox can be used to show the picture of the item, the attributes, and the sales forecast of the item.

The following shows few ways FactBoxes can be used:

  • Display related information or fields in the form of ListParts or CardParts.

  • Display related KPIs which come as CardParts with visualized data.

  • Display from Client Add-ins in the form of CardPart. For example, Bing maps, PowerBI, Microsoft Social Engagement, and more.

A CardPart is type of page part embedded within another page used to display additional data relevant to the page that hosts it.

Adding a FactBox area to a page

In this example, we will be adding a FactBox to a purchase invoice

  1. Navigate to Purchase Invoices (using Search Box in the top right)

2. Click on any created purchase invoice and click on Manage, then on Edit.

3. FactBox is a quick summarize of related information to the main document. It is situated on the right side of the screen. In order to add this FactBox, click on the blue info icon on the right side of the screen.

4. On the right side of the screen appears the FactBox

5. To add or remove information from the FactBox click on Settings on the upper right corner of the screen, then click on Personalize.

6. A window will show that you’re personalizing the current purchase invoice. Click on More to be able to add fields to FactBox tables.

7. For example, if you wish to add Created Date-Times of Incoming Document Files, click on the Incoming Document Files table, then on the + Field button on the top, and drag the Created Date-Time box into the Incoming Document Files table.

8. If you wish to remove, for example, the Type of Incoming Document Files, hover over the Type column inside the table, click on the arrow that appears right beside it, and click Remove.

9. It works the same way for the rest of FactBoxes. When you Customize FactBox in one Purchase invoice it will work also for all the rest of Invoices.


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